Search Results for: comedy


Definition of Tragicomedy Tragicomedy is a genre that blends elements of both comedy and tragedy. A tragicomedy can either be a serious play with a happy ending—which is not the case with a straightforward tragedy—or a tragic play interspersed with moments of humor in order to lighten the mood. The definition of tragicomedy was first used by the Roman playwright

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Definition of Comedy Comedy is a form of entertainment meant to be humorous, whether in literature, television, film, or stand-up. The goal of most comedy examples is to induce laughter in the audience. There are many different forms of comedy, such as screwball comedy, black comedy, innuendo, parody, satire, pun, comedy of manners, romantic comedy, farce, burlesque, sarcasm, dramatic irony,

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Definition of Atmosphere Atmosphere in literature is the feeling, emotion, or mood that an author creates in a narrative through descriptive language. Thus this literary device is, in a sense, the emotional atmosphere in which the action takes place, as well as the emotional atmosphere that the audience is encouraged to internalize while reading. Though the atmosphere is usually established

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Definition of Farce A farce is a lighthearted comedy that centers around a ridiculous plot that usually involves exaggerated and improbable events. Farces usually do not have much character development, but instead rely on absurdity, physical humor, and a skillful exploitation of a situation. Farce examples also often occur in just one place where all the events occur. This can

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Definition of Exaggeration Exaggeration is a way of over-emphasizing something, either making it better or worse than it really is. Exaggeration can be used to communicate the importance of something, to create a lasting impression, or to evoke stronger feelings than otherwise. The word exaggeration comes from the Latin word exaggerationem, which means “elevation” or “exaltation.” The original literal root

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Definition of Trimeter Trimeter is a poetic meter comprised of three metrical feet per line. A foot is a beat made up of stressed and unstressed syllables; poetic lines written in meter contain a repeating pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables throughout the poem. While trimeter is slightly rarer than pentameter (a metrical line of poetry comprised of five feet),

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Definition of Myth A myth is a story that comes from an ancient culture and often includes supernatural elements. These elements may be anything from talking animals to people with superhuman powers to the interference of gods and goddesses in human affairs. Myths traditionally were created to explain the origins of the world or of belief systems, practices, or natural

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Definition of Drama Drama is a type of narrative, usually fictional, that is performed. Drama usually involves actors on stage in front of a live audience. Thus, as a narrative mode, there is the assumption that drama requires participation and collaboration between the actors and the audience. It is, of course, possible to read works of drama, yet the full

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Figurative Language

Definition of Figurative Language Figurative language is any figure of speech which depends on a non-literal meaning of some or all of the words used. There are many types of figurative language, including literary devices such as simile, metaphor, personification, and many pun examples, to name just a few. The definition of figurative language is opposite to that of literal

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Definition of Genre A genre is any stylistic category in literature that follows specific conventions. Examples of genre in literature include historical fiction, satire, zombie romantic comedies (zom-rom-com), and so on. Many stories fit into more than one genre. The conventions that works follow to be a part of a certain genre change over time, and many genres appear and

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Definition of Dialogue Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people in a work of literature. Dialogue can be written or spoken. It is found in prose, some poetry, and makes up the majority of plays. Dialogue is a literary device that can be used for narrative, philosophical, or didactic purposes. The Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was a chief

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Definition of Malapropism A malapropism is an incorrect word used accidentally in place of another word with a similar sound. Malapropisms can be humorous because they give rise to nonsensical statements. For example, the common phrase “for all intents and purposes” is often turned into the malapropism “for all intensive purposes.” This phrase is somewhat nonsensical, though in this case

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Definition of Anticlimax An anticlimax is a conclusion that is unsatisfying because is does not meet the expectations that the narrative has been building toward. Some anticlimax examples occur because the solution to a problem is so trivial or comes without the protagonist using any of his or her skills. This can be the case in some deus ex machina

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Definition of Iamb An iamb is a unit of meter with two syllables, where the first syllable is unstressed and the second syllable is stressed. Words such as “attain,” “portray,” and “describe” are all examples of the iambic pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables. The iamb is one of the most fundamental metrical feet in English language and poetry. Many

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Definition of Bathos Bathos is a sudden change of tone in a work of writing, usually from the sublime to the ridiculous. This may be done unintentionally, and creates a sappy, overly sentimental effect that is a mark of amateur writing. On the other hand, it can be done knowingly and for comedic effect, and is found in many skits

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Definition of Denouement The denouement of a story occurs just after the climax and is the final moment in which there is resolution for any remaining conflicts in the plot. All the loose ends of the plot are tied up in this last scene, secrets are revealed, and there may be a sense of catharsis for the reader or audience

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Definition of Stanza A stanza is a set of lines in a poem grouped together and set apart from other stanzas in the poem either by a double space or by different indentation. Poems may contain any number of stanzas, depending on the author’s wishes and the structure in which the poet is writing. However, there are many strict poetic

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Definition of Climax When used as a literary term, a climax in a story occurs when there is a turning point from which there is no going back. The climax is the point of highest tension in a narrative. In a tragedy, the climax will generally reveal the protagonist’s greatest weaknesses, and the situation will go irreparably wrong. In a

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Definition of Understatement Understatement is way of speaking which minimizes the significance of something. When using understatement, a speaker or writer often employs restraint in describing the situation at hand and uses an expression with less emphasis or strength than would be expected. One very famous example of understatement occurred during a plane crash in 1982. After all four engines

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Deus Ex Machina

Definition of Deus Ex Machina The literary device of deus ex machina means to solve a seemingly intractable problem in a plot by adding in an unexpected character, object, or situation. Deus ex machina often has the sense of being quite contrived, as it seems like the author must resort to something that he or she did not set up

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